Our People

Meet the Anchor Team

Anchor World Services is a woman and family-owned business that is dedicated to providing the highest quality cleaning services throughout Chicagoland. Our high standards of excellence and commitment to our customers are what have positioned us as a leader in the industry for over 100 years.

Suzi Prybylo
Suzi PrybyloOwner
Scott Pedersen
Scott PedersenGeneral Manager
Andy Vilkovsky
Andy VilkovskyDirector of Operations
Anita Stapor
Anita StaporSafety / HR Manager
Joanna Duran
Joanna DuranOffice Manager
Debbie Riha
Debbie RihaFinance Director
Michael Knezik
Michael KnezikField Supervisor
Romina Guzman
Romina GuzmanField Supervisor
Rafael Huerta Perez
Rafael Huerta PerezDirector of Strategic Accounts
Francisco Rodriguez
Francisco RodriguezField Supervisor
Juan Guel
Juan Guel Field Supervisor

Want to get started? Contact us today!